Thursday, December 18, 2008
Supreme mistake
Even the Supreme Court is against the voters.
Yesterday, they made a formal announcement about the request from Attorney General Lisa Madigan to strip helmet head of his powers. They said "Are you kidding? We're invested in this guy too."
Yes, G-Rod still has his power to appoint himself as senator, because he's the only one who will get within 7,000 miles of the job now. Sure the impeachment process has begun, but who knows how long that will take. Where's the special election we were promised? Oh wait, we still have a governor.
Thanks judges, thanks. Way to make it seem like you're not in on pay-to-play too.
There's a viral song that's been going around just in time for the holidays called "Get packin' Rod Blagojevich." It was written by John McHugh and set to the tune of "God rest ye merry, gentleman."
Here it is performed by Dan Bearden:
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Blago the lego
I'm not sure who designed this picture, but it was too hilarious not to post.
Even the toy industry is trying to profit off of G-Rod! That's fine by me though, he's made money off of everything else. What goes around comes around guv.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Foot War in Baghdad
To say President George W. Bush is a "shoe-in" for the most hated person in Iraq may be an understatement.
At a joint conference between the president and the Iraqi prime minister, Nuri Kamal al-Maliki, a television journalist, Muntader al-Zaidi, took off his shoes and threw them at Bush.
After getting Bush-whacked by the journalist, the prime minister asked for a public apology from Zaidi. The people of Iraq protested and proudly displayed the shoes that nearly walked over Bush.
While it may be something most American journalists would like to do, the statement made by al-Zaidi is something of a powerful one for the view of the U.S. in other parts of the world. We're not a nation of heros anymore, as we've been told to believe. We've become a nation of hypocrites and anti-Indepedence.
Now, that statement qualifies me as an enemy of the state, but it's true. If you look at America's touted Bill of Rights you'll see the Third Amdendment. Anyone remember from 8th grade what that means?
It's the right we have not to board soldiers in our homes against our will. Isn't that what we're doing around the world? North Korea, Somalia, Iraq, Germany, Japan, et. al. have American soldiers stationed within their borders. Of course, we're not forcing ourselves into houses specifically, but the spirit of the right given to American's seems to be violated. We created that doctorine so as not to be policed by the government or the world, but to be free and an independent nation.
Let's hope the "change" we voted for with President-elect Barack Obama, doesn't result in a kick in the face to the American voter. The world has suffered enough at our hands and is now repaying us with flying footwear.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Rod nailed on tape
I always thought rods were made of steel, but Illinois' own G-Rod Blagojevich was hammered to the wall this morning on corruption charges.
Things just don't get any better for Illinois politics. Let's do the breakdown, we have George Ryan convicted of corruption charges, three fundraisers who have been indicted or convicted on corruption charges, two Chicago aldermen, one who pled guilty and the other who has yet to be accused of any wrong doing and a Blago in a "political corruption crime spree."
Yes, it's going to be a very Merry Christmas for federal prosecutor Pat Fitzgerald, who has done all but accuse the corrupted reformer candidate of stealing the Christmas tree from little Cindy Who. His gift, any political office he'll ever want.
For Illinois and the governor, a lump of coal and a rude wake-up call from the FBI.
The case dubbed "Operation Board Games" has been under investigation for three years and is, according to the man who's trying to save Springfield, still ongoing. Guess what else happened around that time. G-Rod's re-election.
The smooth operating, rigid quaff wearing politico swore reform when he ran for Ryan's seat in 2002, then his administration went under investigation right before his re-election campaign in 2006 and now is looking at running again under the "I know you are, but what am I" campaign in 2010. While under federal investigation, the people of Illinois re-elected him. Seriously, what were we thinking? Judy Barr Topenka wasn't necessarily the next best thing at the time, but we did have a third option.
The major accusation hanging over superquaffs head is the attempt to sell President-elect Barack Obama's senate seat. The kicker? If the bid wasn't high enough, he was going to take it himself. He even called the highest ranking member of his own party a motherf---er. Smooth.
A couple months before G-Rod's arrest, the Illinois General Assembly passed an Illinois Ethics Bill against "pay-to-play" politics, which he threatened to veto. The original champion of the bill? President-motherf---er Obama. Gee, it makes you wonder why he used such strong adjectives to describe the next commander-in-chief doesn't it? It also just looks bad for the jailbird, who was bailed out faster than the mortgage companies today.
But, if you think he looks stupid on international anti-corruption day, then what do we look like? Sheep, idiots, naive or maybe optimists.
"He doesn't have any real control over what his fundraisers do," we thought.
Maybe those of us who voted for Blago in 2006 should get indicted for conspiracy to commit mail and wire fraud as well as solicitation of bribery.
Then again, please don't. Go for the one's who didn't vote for the recall amendment on Nov. 4.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Franken defeated, not without contest
In one of the closest races in Minnesota history, Al Franken lost to incumbent Norm Coleman by approximately 1,000 votes, however, Franken gets a recount.
I would like to urge the popular talk show host not to take the recount. Why? Because it's like having a two night show and then asking the heckler from the first night to come back for another round.
Just because you might have some zingers that you thought of off stage doesn't mean you should give the opposition a chance to strengthen their position either. You had your chance and it didn't go your way. These things happens. It's a tough break, but you'll have your opportunity to increase your presence and next time you'll be ready.
Buck up Franken, do you really want to be a sore loser?
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Critical Counties
Funny not synonymous with politics
F*** too close to call
Laughing to the Capital
Franken Race
Franken At-Large
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Here for: dating, serious relationships, but mostly revenge
i see that my xgirlfriend (we'll call her "julie") recently just got married to a guy she met on myspace (we'll call him "mike brody"). i honestly thought i would be in the wedding given the fact that they literally met on my myspace page. it didnt take much for me to figure out something was going on. they would celebrate anniverseries by returing back to where they first met and flirt back and forth on my myspace wall.
all im saying is i should at the very least be a groomsmen, along with tom, a crapy band that will soon be performing in same zip code they live in, and maybe a few pedifilers. and she can have the girls in the adds as bridesmaids.
as puinshment though for their myspace TOMfoolery, they will no longer be my top friends, i will not do any of their surveys anymore, and i will no longer read any of their bullentins or blogs even if they do have catching subject titles like "In your face Chris Schlichting!"
for the record, i am not jealous because i know what shes doing. this is just a rebound wedding.
i wish them love, and happiness, and good internet service.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
you've been a busy girl you dirty bitch: Chris Schlichting
"you've been a busy girl you dirty bitch."
there is a snake down my basement and it scares me double time because there are already a bunch of spiders down there. so now i feel that the longer i let the snake situation go unresolved the more likelihood that the snake and spider will meet, become friends, and then join sides. it is also inevitible that the snake and spiders will eventually become lovers and then produce a offspring of web-slinging snakes ("spikes"), or snakes with 8 legs ("snaders").
eventually i will build up my courage and head down my basement with the only known weapon that defeats the new species....a rabbi blessed katana blade with a blue green handle. i will hear the scurrying around of snaders, but also the slithering of spikes. in my head, i say,
"fuck.....mixed baby breeds,"
but then to show coinfidence, dominace, and lack of respect, i will say aloud,
"you've been a busy girl you dirty bitch."
and with that remark, like a biljillion snaders and spikes appear, including mother snake, who shows up like 10 seconds later for dramatic effect.
and then after quickly calculating my odds and becoming a tad bit worried, i regain composure and say something real calm and cool like,
"is it tuesday already?"
and then i cauk my sword like a shotgun, which makes you wonder just what kind of enchanted weapon is this. and just as the creatures postion themselves to strike, the lights go out.
complete darkness.
did someone order a triple phobia with cheese? not me, because i am lactose intolerant.
all that is now seen is the outside of the door that leads to the basement and all that is heard coming from the basment is the sound of a swinging katana blade, shotgun blasts, blood and guts splattering, grunts and groans, trumpets playing softly, and a single baby giggling wildly.
(close up on basement door knob slowly turning) i emerge badly brusied and scraped, barely standing, but nevertheless, still standing. i pull out a cigarette and lite it with a zippo lighter that has the engravment, "Snake Charmer."
focus then returns to bottom of stairs to reveal barely alive mother snake. she has my shotswordgun and is pointing it at my back. i hear the calk, but interupt the shooting of me with the phrase,
"hey mother snake, ya wanna know what the most fucked up part about this whole situation is... first off, apparently you are taking the time to listen to what i have to say, and two... you may now know my phopia, but i think i have a good idea what yours is....."
mother snake then says with a lisp,
"oh yeah, what'sssss that?"
i then drop my zippo on a convenient stream of gasoline that conveniently leads right to mother snake. she explodes. close up on my lips as i say,
"me, you fuckin snake bitch."
roll credits
From the stage: Travis Lipski
I got a call for a headline gig in Iowa, private party, knowing the booker and the fact that he's seen me twice, I feel good about it and put maximum effort in to preparing.
I get there and immediately realize this will suck, I'm performing for the Yacht Club.
Conservative ass bags, they said they wanted an R rated show, what they wanted was an R rated Larry the CG.
Old guy yells out "Sex!" I ask him how can he can have sex, I know there is Viagra, but how do you get the other person to tolerate it without throwing up when his old gray wrinkly body climbs on her?
I proceed with no laughs and they pull the plug after 5-10, I call the booker, leave message that I intend to cash the check.
No reply.
I put the check in the bank and now I'll wait for it to clear, if it doesn't I'll be pissed but for now, it was an all expense paid misunderstanding(they put me up in a good hotel) so such is life.
Last week at open mic I made a Jew cry, really, not a girl - a full grown man(college student) the chair of the Bradley Jew Klan (probably not the name of it).
"The holocaust, of course it was tragic..........Hitler didn't get the chance to finish the job."
I didn't start out with that but due to a hyper-PC reactionary party of five, I went over the edge.
I was about to make a point that the Zionist overlords don't say shit about the African Holocaust going on right now and that all Africa gets is George -fucking-Clooney.
The table of five Jews promptly left without tipping and slammed the door on the way out, each one of them.
I can not help but feel that if there were a sign stating that each slamming of the door requires a surcharge of 15 cents, they would have closed it softly.
Give my regards to Broadway.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Comedy Corner Comics